dr. iztok retar

At the Art Retar Gallery, there is a permanent collection of selected paintings by Iztok Retar, complemented by his new works. All exhibited pieces are for sale. Outside working hours, viewing and purchases can be arranged by contacting +386 41 310 958. Retar's works have been sold to collectors in New Delhi, Rotterdam, Madrid, New York, Belgrade, Pula, Ljubljana, Koper, among other places. He has exhibited in Koper, Ljubljana, Prague, and Venice. You are welcome to visit.

likovni Življenjepis

Dr. Iztok Retar, born in 1958, resides in Koper, Slovenia, and holds a Ph.D. in Pedagogical Sciences. He is a retired university professor at the University of Primorska.

Artistic Background

Dr. Iztok Retar embarked on his artistic journey as a self-taught painter in 2017. He passionately creates in his studios in Malija, Slovenia, and Vodnjan, Croatia. He draws inspiration from the Mediterranean atmosphere. The blue of the sea, the energy of the sun, and the force of the wind are translated into abstract acrylic images on canvas, intertwining and complementing each other in lines, dots, and surfaces.

Artistic Style

To tell his visual stories, he uses colorful compositions, rhythmically organized on one hand and chaotically dispersed on the other. He depicts the complexity of life balanced with subtle details. By employing a dripping technique reminiscent of the remarkable Jackson Pollock, Retar's works evolve in a performative manner, demanding complete engagement of the mind and, especially, the body.


Dr. Iztok Retar has presented his works at domestic and international exhibitions:

- "New Year's Sales Art Exhibition 2023," Group Exhibition, Art Retar Gallery, Koper, Slovenia;
- "Contemporary Venice 12th edition," Itsliquid International Art Fair, 2023, Venice, Italy. Curator: Luca Curci;

- "Regata 2023," Solo Exhibition, Art Gallery Novativa, Koper, Slovenia;
- "Barcolana 2022," Solo Exhibition, University of Primorska, Koper, Slovenia;
- "Aami Praga 2021," Event Group Exhibition, Prague, Czech Republic. Curator: Miha Murn;

- "Ljubljanski forum 2021," Event Group Exhibition, Ljubljana 2021, Slovenia. Curator: Miha Murn;

- "Klub Salvador 2021," Group Exhibition, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Curator: Miha Murn;

- "Tutti Frutti 2020," Group Exhibition, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Curator: Miha Murn;

- "Ex Tempore 2020," Group Exhibition, Piran, Slovenia;
- "Expoart 2019," Group Exhibition, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Curator: Miha Murn;

- "Regata 2017," Solo Exhibition, University of Primorska, Koper, Slovenia. Curator: Tilen Žbona.


Akril na juti, 100 x 90 cm, 2021, lesen okvir


Akril na platno, 120 x 100 cm, 2022, lesen okvir


Akril na platno, 80 x 70 cm, 2023, lesen okvir


What do you contemplate during painting, and do you have any rituals while working?

During painting, my thoughts often take a complex, chaotic form, intertwined with emotions. The act of painting serves as a means to structure and express these thoughts. I don't have specific rituals guiding my creativity. I simply immerse myself in the working process and continue, work, work... What triggers you to paint? It's challenging to determine specific triggers for my creative process. It's more about the gradual accumulation of creative energy. When the gathered energy reaches a certain point, I instinctively feel the desire to continue or start a new painting.

How does your creative process unfold?

I start creating by following an ideational concept. However, as I delve into the work, I willingly surrender to the influences of my subconscious, the unconscious, and, of course, intuition. This interplay of planning and spontaneity often leads to the most compelling results. The beginning is usually the easiest because you don't know what could go wrong. The most challenging part is refining and perfecting the visual narrative, and I won't even discuss when to decide that the painting is finished...

Are your artistic works focused on a specific theme?

I create visual works primarily in series or themes, where I explore variations on specific content and forms. This allows me to delve more deeply into selected issues and explore different solutions. Thematic collections enable me to create a starting point for a visual narrative with the intention that the painting seeks the viewer and prompts contemplation.

What is it like to be an artist today?

The role of an artist in today's world is neither black nor white but nuanced shades of gray. In the midst of our complex, virtual era, the boundaries between truth and falsehood are increasingly blurred. Therefore, I believe one of the most important roles of an artist is to reflect on unresolved questions of our time, such as strengthening peace, preserving nature, managing artificial intelligence, and respecting truth and rights...

This interview was conducted by curator Luca Curci, Itisliquid Platform, Venice, on October 26, 2023.

matrica no.7

Akril na juti, 110 x 90 cm, 2022, cena: 1.900 eur


Akril na platnu, 90 x 80 cm, 2023, cena: 900 eur


Akril na platnu, 90 x 80 cm, 2023, cena: 900 eur

z vetrom

Akril na platnu, 80 x 90 cm, 2023, cena: 900 eur

regata "D"

Akril na platnu, 70 x 100 cm, 2022, cena: 900 eur

regata "e"

Akril na platnu, 90 x 80 cm, 2023, cena: 900 eur

magenta n0. 2

Akril na juti, 110 x 90 cm, 2022, cena: 1.900 eur

modri horizont

Akril na juti, 110 x 90 cm, 2022, cena: 1.900 eur


Akril na juti, 110 x 90 cm, 2022, cena: 1.900 eur

kolekcija cvetoče polje "a"

Akril na platnu, 110 x 90 cm, 2022, cena: 1.900 eur

kolekcija cvetoče polje "b"

Akril na juti, 110 x 90 cm, 2022, cena: 1.900 eur

Kolekcija cvetoče polje  "C"

Akril na juti, 110 x 90 cm, 2022, cena: 1.900 eur

matrica n0.1

Akril na platnu, 70 x 50 cm, 2023, lesen okvir, cena: 350 eur

matrica n0.2

Akril na platnu, 70 x 50 cm, 2023, lesen okvir, cena: 350 eur

matrica n0.4

Akril na platnu, 70 x 50 cm, 2023, lesen okvir, cena: 350 eur

regata "d"

Akril na platnu, 70 x 50 cm, 2023, lesen okvir, cena: 350 eur

regata "A"

Akril na platnu, 70 x 50 cm, 2023, lesen okvir, cena: 350 eur

regata "C"

Akril na platnu, 70 x 50 cm, 2023, lesen okvir, cena: 350 eur



Akril na platnu, 70 x 100 cm, 2022, cena: 900 eur


Akril na platnu, 70 x 100 cm, 2022, cena: 900 eur


Akril na platnu, 110 x 100 cm, 2022, cena: 1.500 eur


Akril na platnu, 140 x 100 cm, 2022, cena: 1.900 eur


Akril na platnu, 70 x 100 cm, 2022, cena: 900 eur


Akril na platnu, 70 x 100 cm, 2022, cena: 900 eur

T O P  3   V LETU  2022


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