Celebrate the end of the year with the purchase of an art piece. Surprise your business partners for the New Year with an artwork. Gift your loved ones with a painting for the Christmas holidays! 
Join us at the New Year's Sales Exhibition, taking place from December 2nd to December 30th, 2023, at the Art Retar Gallery in Koper. You will have the opportunity to choose from works by the following renowned Slovenian contemporary abstract artists;

Vojko Anzeljc, 
Rok Blenkuš, 
Ines Hikl, Nina Tomšič Polegek in Iztok Retar

dr. iztok retar

Iztok Retar, born in 1958, resides in Koper. He holds a Ph.D. in Pedagogical Sciences and is a retired university professor from the University of Primorska. As a self-taught painter, he enriches his academic career through abstract painting. Creating in his studio in Malija, he draws inspiration from the Mediterranean. Recognized for the vibrancy and colorfulness of abstract images depicting sailboats, the sea, sun, and wind, he expresses himself through the technique of multilayered color application in the form of lines and dots. His works are exhibited and sold at the Art Retar Gallery in Koper.

vojko anZeljc

Vojko Anzeljc, born in 1970, resides in Ljubljana. He is an established film and television director and screenwriter, known for TV shows such as "Odklop," TV series like "TV Dober Dan," "Čokoladne sanje," "Ena žlahtna štorija," "V imenu ljudstva," and films like "Zadnja večerja," "Rdeča raketa," "Sfinga," and "Gola resnica." As a painter, he continues his artistic exploration in the field of visual arts, focusing on the study of the boundary between concrete figurative and abstract. He also reflects extensively on the symbolism of visual images. His mentor is the academic painter Barbara Kastelec.

rok blenkuš

Rok Blenkuš, born in 1970 in Ljubljana, is a dedicated businessman and, on the other hand, a painter who expresses his emotions and his view of the beauty around him through art. In the process of his creativity, he seeks the true story hidden in the model. Often, the people he draws or paints are transported to a fairy-tale land as nudes, breaking down barriers and exposing their most intimate emotions. The main characteristic of Blenkuš' creation is his decisive stroke, expressed through pencil lines on paper or brush strokes on primed canvas, bringing the true face and soul of the portrayed model to the observer. Rok's works adorn private and business spaces of buyers in Slovenia, the USA, the UK, Italy, Greece, and Brazil.


ines hikl

Ines Hikl, born in 1969, graduated from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Department of Textile Technology in Ljubljana, and obtained a master's degree from the Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj. Professionally, she has devoted her life to quality, compliance, and regulations. Through painting, she enters a different world where the canvas becomes freedom, a way to relax and calm the spirit. The desire for creation is reflected in various products, showcasing her personal development. Her painting experiments, dominated by games of color and texture, reflect the freedom and passion for establishing her own rules in the abstract world of art.

nina tomšič polegek

Nina Tomšič Polegek, born in 1992 and residing in Novo Mesto, is a graduate painter, a master's student in painting, and a recreational athlete. In the artistic field, she is primarily active in painting, having had three solo painting exhibitions and several group exhibitions. She also expands her creativity to drawings and illustrations. Currently, her priority is abstraction and abstract painting, based on mixed techniques. However, it is possible that in the future, she may explore other genres as well.

"Highlights from the New Year's Sales Group Art Exhibition 2023"


90 x 70 cm, acrylic and oil on canvas, 2023, price: 900 EUR


120 x 80 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2017, price: 1,400 EUR


70 x 50 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2020, price: 350 EUR


120 x 50 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2023, price: 400 EUR


80 x 90 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2023, price: 900 EUR

at the event

The exhibition opening took place on December 2, 2023, at 5:00 PM at the Art Retar Gallery in Koper.

at the event...

creative chat...

Director and painter Vojko Anzeljc and actor Brane Grubar at the exhibition.

collaboration and networking...

Academic painter Nina Tomšič Polegek and Iztok Retar in front of Nina's paintings.

contribution to the revitalization of the city center...

The opening of an art gallery and organizing art exhibitions can be an added value to the revitalization of the center of Koper...


Art buddies.

colourful opening day

The exhibition opening was festively marked.


The exhibition will be open until the end of the festive December... until December 30, 2023. Drop by!